Seeking the lost,
equipping the found!
Salem UCC History
Salem United Church of Christ of Jacobus, Pa dates back to 1842 when the Lutheran and Reformed Churches joined for worship services. This union lasted for 118 years when the Reformed Congregation voted to become the Salem Reformed, which is now the Salem United Church of Christ. The first church service was held in our present sanctuary in 1960. Since that time, the Church has gone through a lot of changes. However, one thing remains the same: the Word of God is preached from the Bible, and everything we do here is to glorify God and not ourselves.
If you are looking for a Church that has a family atmosphere, where you are welcome no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, then Salem is the place for you. When you enter our Church, you can come as you are. It is our prayer that you are fed spiritually, that your faith is strengthened, and that your relationship with Jesus Christ grows even closer. Our mission is to use the resources and ministries that God has given us to spread the Good News of forgiveness and eternal life in our homes, communities, the nation and the world by being caring servants of God. Here at Salem, we would be honored to have you worship with us and call Salem home.
Stained Glass
Seven miles south of York, PA half way between exits 10 and 14 of I-83 on the old Susquehanna Trail in Jacobus, PA; there is a Church which windows have few equals anywhere. The uniqueness lies in a nine year project in which the members designed and built for their sanctuary. A total of 18 windows were designed on the life and ministry of Jesus, plus 3 large windows at the entrances on "The Garden of Eden", "Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World", and from the Hymn "Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart".
Over 30 members started this project lead by Rev. Fred Walthour, working every Thursday afternoons and Sunday evenings, starting in the late summer and into the following early summer each year. The designing and layout of the first group of windows started in early 1991 with actual cutting and fitting of glass starting in the fall of 1991 and continued until the summer of 2000 when the last panel was installed. Approximately 10 very loyal and committed members was all that was left working on the project at the end. All of the windows have been purchased as memorials or honorariums by individuals and families of the congregation.
Prayer Garden
The beautiful grounds of Salem became even more beautiful when the congregation decided to honor the wishes of Carol Walthour, Carol was the wife of the Church's Pastor at that time, Rev. Fred Walthour. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in February of 2006, and as a dying wish she wanted to see the Church have a prayer garden. The project started and was funded by the members of the congregation. The theme of the garden was based off of Psalm 23 and each section of the garden represented a verse of the Psalm. Also included in the Prayer Garden is a fountain which is entitled, "He leads me beside still waters" and was the last section to be completed. Unfortunately, Carol passed away prior to completion of the Pslam 23 Prayer Garden project.
Since the completion of the project, the Prayer Garden has been utilized for outdoor events such as: picnics, music events held by the Church, outdoor weddings, and so much more.